Q-Chem Recognizes Top QITS Students

Doha, 14 July 2014

Qatar Chemical Company Ltd (Q-Chem) has recently recognized the top 10 students of the Qatar Independent Technical School (QITS) as a part of its ongoing commitment towards Supporting Qatarizationin at Q-Chem and the Energy and Industry sector.

The event took place during Q-Chem delegation visit led by HR manager Mr. Youssef Ismail Marafi to QITS. Mr. Marafi was welcomed by Mr. Abullah Shams, QITS Principal and the school leadership team. Mr. Maarafi highlighted Q-Chem’s belief on the quality of the students as the most valuable asset for the future of the company and QITS, and that the students have a world of opportunity at Q-Chem. This is the third consecutive year that Q-Chem has supported this initiative at QITS. The move is also part of Q-Chem’s corporate social responsibility program which seeks to strengthen quality education in the community.

-Chem’s Qatarization strategy of Quality Qatarization is aligned with the bold Qatar National Vision 2030, and that educational institutions such as QITS play an important partnership role in achieving Q-Chem’s goals.
Moreover Q-Chem won the Qatarization Crystal Award 2013 in recognition of the company’s efforts in students’ sponsorship. The coveted Qatarization Crystal is awarded annually to Energy and Industry companies, in Qatar, that exhibit excellence in Qatarization.